Membership Care


Our faith calls us to offer hospitality and protection to all children, youth, and adults regardless of racial or ethnic background, national origin, gender, age, handicapping condition, or any other criteria. As well as to those who are committed to ministry as volunteers and employees. True hospitality means that we are to be inclusive of all God’s people.   Pastoral Care When members are in need of pastoral care, are sick and admitted into hospital, or experience death, we encourage members of SMNL and/or their relatives to contact the Pastoral Care Team so the church can provide the necessary care.  If members of SMNL are in need of communion (for the sick & shut-in), pastoral care in time of death/near death, or visitation, please call/text 410.989.1416;  call the church office 410.243.0378; or email   Safe Sanctuary SMNL is committed to ensuring that all people involved in the church may participate in an environment that is safe and secure, as one way that we live out Jesus’ act of love. We shall strive to provide for physical safety and spiritual growth of all our children, youth, and at-risk or vulnerable adults. To learn more about our commitment to keep everyone safe and secure, please read SMNL’s Safe Sanctuary Policy and our SecurityPolicy or see a member of the SPRC.   Conflict Resolution & Holy Conferencing Covenant Conflict is a normal part of congregational life and living life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. SMNL conflict transformation policy recognizes that people of the congregation experiences conflict at times and provides a process for engaging the conflict in healthy ways for the individuals involved and for the congregation. To learn more about our commitment to biblical and healthy conflict resolution, please read SMNL’s Conflict Resolution & Holy Conferencing Covenant or see a member of the SPRC..