SMNL Leadership Structure
United Methodists have embraced the idea of “the ministry of all believers.” While pastors lead the churches, every United Methodist member is in ministry, supporting Christ and the church with their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. We are clergy and lay (non-clergy) led church.
The Leadership team (Church Council)—is the administrative agency of the charge conference to envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the ministry of the congregation. The leadership team is comprised of the:
- Pastor(s)—The pastoral leader is the primary spiritual leader of the congregation. The pastor carries the responsibility for a number of different ministry tasks, which are condensed into seven categories: Spiritual leader; Worship leader, preacher, and teacher; Trainer of laity; Administrative leader and steward of the vision; Custodian of institutional integrity; Participant in the United Methodist connection; Community minister.
- Lay Leader—represents the laypeople in the congregation in working with the pastor for the mission and vision of the congregation.
- Lay Member to Annual Conference—attends all sessions of the annual conference where they participate in discussions, debates, voting, and all other activities of annual conference. Lay members play a key role in linking the mission and vision of the local congregation with the mission and vision of the annual conference.
- Leadership Team (Church Council) Chairperson and Vice Chairperson—This leader meets and works with the pastor, lay leader, and others to fulfill the mission of the church. The leadership team is accountable to the charge conference and serves as the executive agency of the charge conference between meetings to oversee the administration and ministry of the congregation
- Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Chairperson—This committee encourages, strengthens, nurtures, supports, and respects the pastor(s) and staff and their families. They confer regularly about the personnel conditions and issues that affect the congregation’s total ministry, including healthy life-work balance. They help the staff set priorities.
- Board of Trustees Chairperson—This team, subject to the direction of the charge conference, has oversight and care of all local church property, buildings, and equipment to further the mission of the church. This work is done in consultation with the pastor.
- Committee on Finance Chairperson—The finance committee annually compiles a budget for supporting the mission and vision of the local church and submits the budget to the church leadership team for review and adoption.
- Financial Secretary—works according to the guidelines established by the committee on finance to receive funds from whatever source (including through the mail and by electronic deposit), record them, and report them to the church treasurer and to the committee on finance.
- Church Treasurer—The treasurer will disburse all money contributed to the local church budget, keeping accurate records of how money is spent.
- Members at large